Thursday, 17 August 2017

News From Konor Part Two

First of all I want to say a big thanks for everyone who has stuck with the blog while I haven't been well... I am no back on my feet...a bit wobbly but I'm out and a about.... I'm not saying normal service is back but I am hoping to get a few post done this month...

So going back to my post last week the News From Konor.... Yes Morty is back and yay....that is a lovely model and to be honest I think it will create the marmite effect, of some will love it IE me and some will hate it.... But this is not what I want to talk about in this post... What I want to talk about is the two guys who are the way if any one form GW reads this blog well done...I loved it, it was so funny it had me giggling so hard....

So who do I think these guys are??? Well I think they are Mortarion Death Shroud... The Death Shroud is Mortarion only personal body guard... they are a company of terminators who are loyal to the Death Lord.. So who are the Death Shroud??  The Death Shroud are the elite warriors from within the XIV Legions Astartes... They were often selected from Death Guard legionaries who had survived where their comrades had fallen...Each was clad in bronze-chased Terminator plate and armed with a power scythe...They formed a silent bodyguard for Mortarion and his senior commanders, and in peace or war alike it was said that at least two of their number remained within forty-nine paces of their Primarch at any time....Even after falling and been corrupt by Nurgle... They are still that loyal to the Death Lord and his commanders....

I might be wrong but this is my thoughts... I know we have seen small images of terminators and to me this would make sense with Mortarion be dropped in next month (September 2017)... Let me know what you think in the comments section...

Take care and have fun xxx

Saturday, 5 August 2017

05/08/2017 P.S.A

Hello everyone and welcome to this P.S.A for Saturday the 5th of August 2017.. This P.S.A is to inform you why I haven't been posting in the last week and this also including today build post... 

Well I have had a few health issues which have left me unable to do very much this last couple of weeks... I am now slowly on the med and will hope to start building and posting soon...
I would like to thank all my followers for hanging in there while I have been away and would like to say a big thank you... 

Take care everyone and stay tuned for upcoming build posts next weekend fingers and paws and any other things you like to cross... 

Take care and have fun xx