Wednesday 28 June 2017


Hi everyone... I know this is a little early... has I say I would be posting again on Saturday... But I was checking out the Warhammer community page to day...While going through the page I spotted some thing totally awesome new...So what is this news I hear you say?? Well its this...

And this...
That right readers... New Death Guard from GW coming out hopefully next month..I say next month as we only have a few day left in June...
So We have some new awesome cool poxwalkers and different Plague Marines.... To say I'm a excited girl is a understatement... So readers when I know more... I will post up more info on launch dates and stuff on these new little plague suffering peoples....

Saturday 24 June 2017

Hello and Welcome...

Hello and welcome to my new blog... So who am I and what is this blog about??

I'm Lucy... I'm in my mid 20's and I am a Warhammer geeky girl... So that me covered now to the fun bit what is this blog about I hear you say!!... Well its all about following me start my new army build for the new edition of Warhammer 40k Dark Imperium... For them who have been living under a rock or on mars with the Adeptus Mechanicus.. This is the new 8th Edition rules...which dropped last Saturday (17/06/2017)...

So what do you get in this awesome box~set....You get a copy of the hardback rules.. two supplemental softback books containing the rules and background for the included miniatures, And dice and a ruler to get you going...So what miniatures are in this box~set?? You get a set of the twenty two new Primaris Space Marines...& thirty one Death Guard miniatures:

Primaris Space Marines.
  • Primaris Space Marine Captain.
  • Two Primaris Space Marine Lieutenants.
  • Primaris Space Marine Ancient carrying an Adeptus Astartes banner.
  • Two five men Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squads.
  • One three man Primaris Space Marine Inceptor Squad.
  • One five man Primaris Space Marine Hellblaster Squad.

Death Guard.
  • Death Guard Lord of Contagion.
  • Death Guard Noxious Blightbringer.
  • Death Guard Malignant Plaguecaster.
  • Seven Death Guard Plague Marines.
  • Death Guard Foetid Bloat-drone.
  • Twenty  Death Guard Poxwalkers.
So that the miniatures.... Now which did I pick??? 

***Drum Role***


The answer is Death Guard... I went the way of Chaos.... So over the next many posts I will be showing the build of these little pox's,plagued,troubled marines...
So I will leave it for now and stay tuned for more updates following next Saturday...