Saturday 24 June 2017

Hello and Welcome...

Hello and welcome to my new blog... So who am I and what is this blog about??

I'm Lucy... I'm in my mid 20's and I am a Warhammer geeky girl... So that me covered now to the fun bit what is this blog about I hear you say!!... Well its all about following me start my new army build for the new edition of Warhammer 40k Dark Imperium... For them who have been living under a rock or on mars with the Adeptus Mechanicus.. This is the new 8th Edition rules...which dropped last Saturday (17/06/2017)...

So what do you get in this awesome box~set....You get a copy of the hardback rules.. two supplemental softback books containing the rules and background for the included miniatures, And dice and a ruler to get you going...So what miniatures are in this box~set?? You get a set of the twenty two new Primaris Space Marines...& thirty one Death Guard miniatures:

Primaris Space Marines.
  • Primaris Space Marine Captain.
  • Two Primaris Space Marine Lieutenants.
  • Primaris Space Marine Ancient carrying an Adeptus Astartes banner.
  • Two five men Primaris Space Marine Intercessor Squads.
  • One three man Primaris Space Marine Inceptor Squad.
  • One five man Primaris Space Marine Hellblaster Squad.

Death Guard.
  • Death Guard Lord of Contagion.
  • Death Guard Noxious Blightbringer.
  • Death Guard Malignant Plaguecaster.
  • Seven Death Guard Plague Marines.
  • Death Guard Foetid Bloat-drone.
  • Twenty  Death Guard Poxwalkers.
So that the miniatures.... Now which did I pick??? 

***Drum Role***


The answer is Death Guard... I went the way of Chaos.... So over the next many posts I will be showing the build of these little pox's,plagued,troubled marines...
So I will leave it for now and stay tuned for more updates following next Saturday...

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