Thursday 17 August 2017

News From Konor Part Two

First of all I want to say a big thanks for everyone who has stuck with the blog while I haven't been well... I am no back on my feet...a bit wobbly but I'm out and a about.... I'm not saying normal service is back but I am hoping to get a few post done this month...

So going back to my post last week the News From Konor.... Yes Morty is back and yay....that is a lovely model and to be honest I think it will create the marmite effect, of some will love it IE me and some will hate it.... But this is not what I want to talk about in this post... What I want to talk about is the two guys who are the way if any one form GW reads this blog well done...I loved it, it was so funny it had me giggling so hard....

So who do I think these guys are??? Well I think they are Mortarion Death Shroud... The Death Shroud is Mortarion only personal body guard... they are a company of terminators who are loyal to the Death Lord.. So who are the Death Shroud??  The Death Shroud are the elite warriors from within the XIV Legions Astartes... They were often selected from Death Guard legionaries who had survived where their comrades had fallen...Each was clad in bronze-chased Terminator plate and armed with a power scythe...They formed a silent bodyguard for Mortarion and his senior commanders, and in peace or war alike it was said that at least two of their number remained within forty-nine paces of their Primarch at any time....Even after falling and been corrupt by Nurgle... They are still that loyal to the Death Lord and his commanders....

I might be wrong but this is my thoughts... I know we have seen small images of terminators and to me this would make sense with Mortarion be dropped in next month (September 2017)... Let me know what you think in the comments section...

Take care and have fun xxx

Saturday 5 August 2017

05/08/2017 P.S.A

Hello everyone and welcome to this P.S.A for Saturday the 5th of August 2017.. This P.S.A is to inform you why I haven't been posting in the last week and this also including today build post... 

Well I have had a few health issues which have left me unable to do very much this last couple of weeks... I am now slowly on the med and will hope to start building and posting soon...
I would like to thank all my followers for hanging in there while I have been away and would like to say a big thank you... 

Take care everyone and stay tuned for upcoming build posts next weekend fingers and paws and any other things you like to cross... 

Take care and have fun xx

Friday 28 July 2017

Guy Haley's Death Guard....

Hi everyone... This is a quick post... while I was on the GW Community page I saw this article had dropped and makes good reading for us Death Guard players....

So sit back and enjoy the read.. Guy Haley's Death Guard

Stay safe and enjoy xx

Thursday 27 July 2017

July 2017 Product Review

I do not work for Games Workshop or any other companies that are a part of Games Workshop.

This is my first product review....For my first review I am picking the Citadel Project Box from Games Workshop.... A lot of modellers would dream of having a whole room just for modelling... **The dream** but unfortunately we don't all have the space or our own home to do this... So we model wherever we can find some space, be that our bedroom, kitchen, living room ect... This is where the project box comes in to its own...
So what is the Project Box???? It is a combined storage box and workspace... It is built to hold all your modelling equipment in one handy space...There is a removable paint rack which holds forty nine pots of Citadel paint pots...It also comes with different slots and compartments to hold all your modelling tools and bits and bobs....The best part is the lid for the box becomes your workstation....You can place your cutting mat and palette book in the slots on the lid to hold them still....

The cost of one of these from GW website / store is £42 gbp...but with independents stores it will be cheaper...
Is it worth it??? Yes I think so...yes you could buy plastic storage boxes cheaper or a plastic tool box...but I like that this is all in one....
So overall I would give this a 8/10 has the lid doesn't quite fit right when locked down but nothing will fall out of it...
All Pictures from GW website....

Tuesday 25 July 2017

What Is Tabletop Standard???

Ok everyone and welcome to my rambles and thoughts.... This is a little different then my normal news and build posts.... But I wanted to share my thoughts Tabletop Standard....Now there is no hard and fast rules on this...Everyone has their own thoughts on this... But here is my basic list for what is good TTS:

  • Undercoated.
  • Minimum of three colours.
  • Base painted.
  • Look good when on the table three to four feet away. (But close ups will show mistakes)
Now this will pass most gaming clubs rules and will help your friend or club players pick out what the mini is and what weapon they are carrying...

Now the next stage up:
  • Undercoated.
  • Minimum of three colours.
  • Washes / Highlights.
  • Painted in the lines.
  • Base painted some base added to it.. Sand or Texture Paint and some Flock on it
  • Look good when on the table three to four feet away. (Close up might show one or two little mistakes)
Now this is the level I set myself...I know I will not win any GD Awards (Gold Demon Award) But I think it is nice to have a nice painted army on the table... I like that my metal looks like metal and wood looks like wood and leather and other items, you get my drift... Now one or two places I go and play...I could win awards for my efforts hands down, because most of the game players there, think its ok to just play with black base coated minis... So what do I mean by painting in the lines???... It's mini not a colouring book...Well what I mean is details like pouches or pipes are painted clean up to the body with no over spill...The faces are clear and details show through... 

What do I mean by looking good on the table???... It means if a newbie walks in and they see you playing and your minis are nicely painted...not only is good for the game but it also encourages the newbie to stop and watch...Be honest with yourself...if you were to watch a battle rep??..would you like a fully painted army or a load of grey and black minis????... I know the answer I would pick... Now if you do get the chance to pick up one of my minis, hand on heart you might find the odd mistake... I'm not perfect but I do like to put some effort in... 

Well I hope this helps any newbies or game players who are worried about painting... Just have fun and go for it... And the more you do it the more you will get better at it and enjoy it....
Stay safe and have fun xx

Sunday 23 July 2017

Updated FAQs Boots on the Ground

This is the second update to the core rules and indexes for the new eight edition...I can only see one update for DG... But I will add the page links to GW Site for the whole rule set....

Warhammer 40k Rule Book

Chaos Index

Warhammer 40k FAQs Boots on the Ground

July 2017 P.S.A

Hi everyone... This is a quick P.S.A about two new items that will be happening this month and I will be carrying them forward from now on....
The first is Thoughts and Ramblings... This is where I will share my thoughts about the hobby and feelings I have in it... The next is a monthly product review... This will have a minimum post limit of one post a month...up to four maximum... It just depends on new products and items I have to review...
Stay tuned for this starting this week...
Stay safe and have fun xx

Saturday 22 July 2017

Foetid Bloat~Drone

Labouring through the air on buzzing turbines, the Foetid Bloated~Drone drifts towards the enemy like an armoured plague fly....Foetid Bloated~Drones are amongst the most horrific weapons in the Death Guard arsenal...More then just armoured attack vehicles, each drone is in fact a Daemon Engine, driven by the rune~bound essence of a warp entity....This hideous war engine closes to point~blank range before dousing it victims in virulent foulness....

So what do you need to build the Foetid Bloat~Drone.
  • Fine Detail Cutters.
  • Mouldline Remover. ( Or craft knife...but please be careful if you use this tool to remove the lines).
  • Drill.
  • Plastic glue. (You can use super glue..but I like plastic glue).
  • Superglue, wine cork and paper clips. 
  • Cutting mat or sheet to protect your table.
  • Paints and brushes.
The Foetid Bloat~Drone is on sprue C with the DG Plague Marines.... Once again use the booklet which you get in the box~set.... It gives you clear pictures and information on how to build the different miniature..
If you are joining me for the first time, and would like more information on how I do my builds....Then please go and check out my first build post....Poxwalkers....

So Here is a list of the Citadel colours I used for the Foetid Bloat~Drone:
  • Athonian Camoshade (Shade).
  • Agrax Earth Shade (Shade).
  • Druchii Violet (Shade).
  • Carroburg Crimson (Shade).
  • Death Guard Green (Base).
  • Bugman's Glow (Base).
  • Ceramite White (Base).
  • Warplock Bronze (Base).
  • Zandri Dust (Base).
  • Abaddon Black (Base).
  • Leadbelcher (Base).
  • Naggaroth Night (Base).
  • Xereus Purple (Layer).
  • Pallid Wych Flesh (Layer).
  • Brass Scorpion (Layer).
  • Nihikakh Oxide (Technical).
  • Nurgle's Rot (Technical).
  • Blood For The Blood Gods (Technical).
  • 'Ardcoat (Technical).  
As with the Noxious Blightbringer I began by giving the mini a priming and base coating all in one with the new Death Guard Green rattle cans.... Then the fun starts with picking out the different details and greebles.... As with the  Noxious Blightbringer here is a lot of detail parts to pick out on this model... I wasn't happy with the Plague Spitters being perfect at the ends.... So I set about with my drill and snips... I flatted the ends off and bored out the holes and roughed the ends up... I wanted the the Plague Spitters to be gnarly like the rest of the mini .... For the oozeyness dripping from the horns.... I went with a layer of Nihikakh Oxide over a base coat of Ceramite White... Then to finish of I used Nurgle's Rot to give it a gloss green Nurgley colour.. For the Eye... I picked this out in purple and and gave it a coat of Ardcoat to give it the glass effect... 

Overall I'm really pleased with the final outcome of this Foetid Bloat~Drone..... and it looks really good on the giant 60mm bases ......One final comment on this mini is..I love the way the mini sits on the base...It uses the pipes and other bits to hold it up instead of a flying base which is cool....

Take care and have fun xx

Sunday 16 July 2017

You Tube Videos I Follow

This is a little different then my normal posts.... Normally I just cover all things Death Guard.... Well I wanted to share with you all the different YouTube channels I follow for 40k stuff...
Now I'm going to list them...but not in any order...

  • Green Stuff Games.... Comic~book Jo runs this channel... On Jo channel she covers the following stuff:
 Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, The Walking Dead All Out War, Malifaux, Wild West Exodus, Burrows and Badgers and much more including Box Openings, Shows ect...
  • BitzBox......Craig runs this channel... On Craig channel he covers the following stuff:
Miniature war gaming, Unboxings, Painting Tutorials, Battle Reps and much more... He also does a live show on a Monday evening... Normally for a couple of hours around half eight GMT (UK Time).
  • Inquisitor Jones....Inquisitor Jones run this channel... On his channel he covers the following:
Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Unboxings and much more... Inquisitor Jones also does live streams...

Saturday 15 July 2017

Noxious Blightbringer

Heralds of pestilence and misery, Noxious Blightbringer pace solemnly before the Death Guard advance. They proclaim the arrival of Mortarion's sons through the tolling of their rusted Tocsins of Misery, hell~forged bells of massive size whose pearls rings through both the reality and the warp.

So what do you need to build the Noxious Blightbringer.
  • Fine Detail Cutters.
  • Mouldline Remover. ( Or craft knife...but please be careful if you use this tool to remove the lines).
  • Drill.
  • Plastic glue. (You can use super glue..but I like plastic glue).
  • Superglue, wine cork and paper clips. 
  • Cutting mat or sheet to protect your table.
  • Paints and brushes.
So the Noxious Blightbringer come on sprue E with the Malignant Plaguecaster and a DG Plague Marines on it.... Once again use the booklet which you get in the box~set.... It gives you clear pictures and information on how to build each miniature..
For information on how I do my builds see my first build post....Poxwalkers....

So Here is a list of the Citadel colours I used for the Noxious Blightbringer:
  • Nuln Oil (Shade).
  • Agrax Earth Shade (Shade).
  • Reikland Flesh Shade (Shade).
  • Carroburg Crimson (Shade).
  • Death Guard Green (Base).
  • Bugman's Glow (Base).
  • Screamer Pink (Base).
  • Warplock Bronze (Base).
  • Zandri Dust (Base).
  • Abaddon Black (Base).
  • Leadbelcher (Base).
  • Naggaroth Night (Base).
  • Xereus Purple (Layer).
  • Pallid Wych Flesh (Layer).
I started by priming and base coating in one with the Citadel spray can of Death Guard Green.... Then I set about picking out the different details and greebles.... There is a lot of greebles on this model... So it worth looking at the painted one in the DG booklet that comes with the box~set to pick them out, if you can't see them.... And to be~honest I had thought I had got them all three times........only to find out that I hadn' best to keep a eye out for them all.... And don't worry if takes you X amount of times to find them all.....Just keep looking around the mini.....
I'm really please with the final out come..... and looks really good on the 40mm base.... See my bases post if you haven't already on how I do them......

I've started next weekend build already... But you will have to wait till next Saturday... Stay safe and have fun...