Tuesday 25 July 2017

What Is Tabletop Standard???

Ok everyone and welcome to my rambles and thoughts.... This is a little different then my normal news and build posts.... But I wanted to share my thoughts Tabletop Standard....Now there is no hard and fast rules on this...Everyone has their own thoughts on this... But here is my basic list for what is good TTS:

  • Undercoated.
  • Minimum of three colours.
  • Base painted.
  • Look good when on the table three to four feet away. (But close ups will show mistakes)
Now this will pass most gaming clubs rules and will help your friend or club players pick out what the mini is and what weapon they are carrying...

Now the next stage up:
  • Undercoated.
  • Minimum of three colours.
  • Washes / Highlights.
  • Painted in the lines.
  • Base painted some base added to it.. Sand or Texture Paint and some Flock on it
  • Look good when on the table three to four feet away. (Close up might show one or two little mistakes)
Now this is the level I set myself...I know I will not win any GD Awards (Gold Demon Award) But I think it is nice to have a nice painted army on the table... I like that my metal looks like metal and wood looks like wood and leather and other items, you get my drift... Now one or two places I go and play...I could win awards for my efforts hands down, because most of the game players there, think its ok to just play with black base coated minis... So what do I mean by painting in the lines???... It's mini not a colouring book...Well what I mean is details like pouches or pipes are painted clean up to the body with no over spill...The faces are clear and details show through... 

What do I mean by looking good on the table???... It means if a newbie walks in and they see you playing and your minis are nicely painted...not only is good for the game but it also encourages the newbie to stop and watch...Be honest with yourself...if you were to watch a battle rep??..would you like a fully painted army or a load of grey and black minis????... I know the answer I would pick... Now if you do get the chance to pick up one of my minis, hand on heart you might find the odd mistake... I'm not perfect but I do like to put some effort in... 

Well I hope this helps any newbies or game players who are worried about painting... Just have fun and go for it... And the more you do it the more you will get better at it and enjoy it....
Stay safe and have fun xx

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