Saturday 22 July 2017

Foetid Bloat~Drone

Labouring through the air on buzzing turbines, the Foetid Bloated~Drone drifts towards the enemy like an armoured plague fly....Foetid Bloated~Drones are amongst the most horrific weapons in the Death Guard arsenal...More then just armoured attack vehicles, each drone is in fact a Daemon Engine, driven by the rune~bound essence of a warp entity....This hideous war engine closes to point~blank range before dousing it victims in virulent foulness....

So what do you need to build the Foetid Bloat~Drone.
  • Fine Detail Cutters.
  • Mouldline Remover. ( Or craft knife...but please be careful if you use this tool to remove the lines).
  • Drill.
  • Plastic glue. (You can use super glue..but I like plastic glue).
  • Superglue, wine cork and paper clips. 
  • Cutting mat or sheet to protect your table.
  • Paints and brushes.
The Foetid Bloat~Drone is on sprue C with the DG Plague Marines.... Once again use the booklet which you get in the box~set.... It gives you clear pictures and information on how to build the different miniature..
If you are joining me for the first time, and would like more information on how I do my builds....Then please go and check out my first build post....Poxwalkers....

So Here is a list of the Citadel colours I used for the Foetid Bloat~Drone:
  • Athonian Camoshade (Shade).
  • Agrax Earth Shade (Shade).
  • Druchii Violet (Shade).
  • Carroburg Crimson (Shade).
  • Death Guard Green (Base).
  • Bugman's Glow (Base).
  • Ceramite White (Base).
  • Warplock Bronze (Base).
  • Zandri Dust (Base).
  • Abaddon Black (Base).
  • Leadbelcher (Base).
  • Naggaroth Night (Base).
  • Xereus Purple (Layer).
  • Pallid Wych Flesh (Layer).
  • Brass Scorpion (Layer).
  • Nihikakh Oxide (Technical).
  • Nurgle's Rot (Technical).
  • Blood For The Blood Gods (Technical).
  • 'Ardcoat (Technical).  
As with the Noxious Blightbringer I began by giving the mini a priming and base coating all in one with the new Death Guard Green rattle cans.... Then the fun starts with picking out the different details and greebles.... As with the  Noxious Blightbringer here is a lot of detail parts to pick out on this model... I wasn't happy with the Plague Spitters being perfect at the ends.... So I set about with my drill and snips... I flatted the ends off and bored out the holes and roughed the ends up... I wanted the the Plague Spitters to be gnarly like the rest of the mini .... For the oozeyness dripping from the horns.... I went with a layer of Nihikakh Oxide over a base coat of Ceramite White... Then to finish of I used Nurgle's Rot to give it a gloss green Nurgley colour.. For the Eye... I picked this out in purple and and gave it a coat of Ardcoat to give it the glass effect... 

Overall I'm really pleased with the final outcome of this Foetid Bloat~Drone..... and it looks really good on the giant 60mm bases ......One final comment on this mini is..I love the way the mini sits on the base...It uses the pipes and other bits to hold it up instead of a flying base which is cool....

Take care and have fun xx

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