Saturday 15 July 2017

Noxious Blightbringer

Heralds of pestilence and misery, Noxious Blightbringer pace solemnly before the Death Guard advance. They proclaim the arrival of Mortarion's sons through the tolling of their rusted Tocsins of Misery, hell~forged bells of massive size whose pearls rings through both the reality and the warp.

So what do you need to build the Noxious Blightbringer.
  • Fine Detail Cutters.
  • Mouldline Remover. ( Or craft knife...but please be careful if you use this tool to remove the lines).
  • Drill.
  • Plastic glue. (You can use super glue..but I like plastic glue).
  • Superglue, wine cork and paper clips. 
  • Cutting mat or sheet to protect your table.
  • Paints and brushes.
So the Noxious Blightbringer come on sprue E with the Malignant Plaguecaster and a DG Plague Marines on it.... Once again use the booklet which you get in the box~set.... It gives you clear pictures and information on how to build each miniature..
For information on how I do my builds see my first build post....Poxwalkers....

So Here is a list of the Citadel colours I used for the Noxious Blightbringer:
  • Nuln Oil (Shade).
  • Agrax Earth Shade (Shade).
  • Reikland Flesh Shade (Shade).
  • Carroburg Crimson (Shade).
  • Death Guard Green (Base).
  • Bugman's Glow (Base).
  • Screamer Pink (Base).
  • Warplock Bronze (Base).
  • Zandri Dust (Base).
  • Abaddon Black (Base).
  • Leadbelcher (Base).
  • Naggaroth Night (Base).
  • Xereus Purple (Layer).
  • Pallid Wych Flesh (Layer).
I started by priming and base coating in one with the Citadel spray can of Death Guard Green.... Then I set about picking out the different details and greebles.... There is a lot of greebles on this model... So it worth looking at the painted one in the DG booklet that comes with the box~set to pick them out, if you can't see them.... And to be~honest I had thought I had got them all three times........only to find out that I hadn' best to keep a eye out for them all.... And don't worry if takes you X amount of times to find them all.....Just keep looking around the mini.....
I'm really please with the final out come..... and looks really good on the 40mm base.... See my bases post if you haven't already on how I do them......

I've started next weekend build already... But you will have to wait till next Saturday... Stay safe and have fun...


  1. Some really nice work. Oh, almost forgot the head Inquisitor would like to speak with you in his office I'm sure it's nothing.

  2. It feels like been back at school again lol.....

    1. And thank you for you comments on my work.... Thankiess
