Saturday 1 July 2017

Poxwalkers WIP

Hi hi and welcome to my second Saturday 
post...In this post we will be covering the first build of the poxwalkers you get in the Dark Imperium box~set... You get twenty of these little meat shields in then various designs ... Now a quick bit of information on these poor cursed victims of Nurgles's plague.....Poxwalkers shamble across the battlefield in reeking hordes. They engulf their enemies in rotting tides of grasping hands,gnashing teeth and squirming tentacles..They are the cursed victims of Nurgles's plague transformed into unliving weapons by the cruel masters of the Death Guard..

So what do you need to build these?? 
  • Fine Detail Cutters.
  • Mouldline Remover. ( Or craft knife...but please be careful if you use this tool to remove the lines).
  • Drill.
  • Plastic glue. (You can use super glue..but I like plastic glue).
  • Superglue, wine cork and paper clips. (More on this later).
  • Cutting mat or sheet to protect your table.
  • Paints and brushes.
So the Poxwalkers come on two sprue with the letter D on them.. There is also one Chaos marine on each sprue.. But these are carefully marked... In this box~set you get a nice clear booklet which shows you how to build each miniature..

Once you followed the booklet and built your little Poxwalkers its time to get them ready to be painted.....This is where the drill, superglue & paper clips come in handy... Now you need to be really careful at this stage and if you don't feel ready or comfortable doing this, you can just glue them down on to the 25mm base... So take your drill and use the 1mm drill and drill a small hole in to one or both feet... I normally do one foot but each to their own on this... there is no hard and fast rule on how to do this..... Next take a flat paper clip and test the hole once your happy with it put a little bit of glue on the foot and place the clip in... This will dry with in a few minutes... Once dry cut the clip using some snips..but not your Fine detail ones... It will kill them... Then place it in to a cork plug... and your ready to paint...

There is some really good paints out there, to paint your miniatures in... I like the Games Workshop Citadel paint range to pain my minis...I base coat them normally in Army Painters Uniform Grey or In the case of these little guys Army Painters White... But again this up to you what you want to use.... GW do spray cans (or rattle cans) in white or grey .... So Here is a list of the Citadel colours I used for these four Poxwalkers:
  • Athonian Camoshade (Shade).
  • Nuln Oil (Shade).
  • Agrax Earth Shade (Shade).
  • Jokaero Orange (Base).
  • Troll Slayer Orange (Layer).
  • Rhinox Hide (Base).
  • Doombull Brown (Layer).
  • Zandri Dust (Base).
  • Abaddon Black (Base).
  • Leadbelcher (Base).
  • Blood For The Blood Gods. (Technical).

I am super pleased with how these four turned out... Now normally I do five minis at a time... But I had a oohhh nooooo moment!!.... I started a new can of the white primer on the last mini... And I did my normal routine of shaking for two minutes then doing six passes on a piece of scrap card... Once I do this I'm happy to start painting my minis... Well first pass over my spray can exploded a massive paint blob all over my mini **ARRGGHHHH** So Don't worry in a few post times I will show you how I deal with moments like these... Anyway take care and enjoy your week...and next week we will cover bases... 

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