Tuesday 11 July 2017

Death Guard Plaguebrust Crawler / New Death Guard Tank / Other Death Guard News

Hi everyone....this is a quick post about a new heavy support vehicle that is shown in the new Getting Started in Warhammer 40k.....

This looks awesome to me....but I feel it could cause marmite syndrome..with people loving or hating it... But for me I love it already... It is nice for Death Guard to have its only vehicles instead of the run of the mill Space Marines vehicles with horns on... Don't get me wrong I like the horned vehicle...but after thousands of years of no rules I would expect the vehicles to take on a new form or shape...so I am hoping that some of the current vehicle for Death Guard get a Death Guard remake over.....

So what do you get with the Plaguebrust Crawler...well from the picture it's clear you get a mortar of some kind...not sure yet..a three barrelled gun of some kind... I'm thinking some sort of blight launcher.. And two sponsons......which I think are plaguespitters / or maybe plague probe..but more likely plaguespitters..... Plus you get this awesome spiky bulldozer blade which is a bonus for close in combat...... By the way these are only my thoughts and not official GW party line... But I can't wait for it to drop...

While on the subject of GW dropping new stuff for Death Guard.... Check this picture out......

That right Death Guard Terminator.... But this for another post....

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