Sunday 9 July 2017

Poxwalkers Update One

Hi everyone and welcome to a quick update on my poxwalkers... I have finished this first ten now... And I'm super happy with them...I still have the next ten to do which you get in the box~set and also when GW releases the next set I will be getting a pack or two depending on how many you get in a box and if there is different styles.... But for now here is a few pictures and a List of paints I used to do this five.... If you are interested and only finding this blog for the first time check out my first poxwalker post for what tools and paints I used and the first four minis...

Paints list:
  • Athonian Camoshade (Shade).
  • Nuln Oil (Shade).
  • Agrax Earth Shade (Shade).
  • Seraphim Sepia (Shade).
  • Jokaero Orange (Base).
  • Troll Slayer Orange (Layer).
  • Averland Sunset (Base).
  • Yriel Yellow (Layer).
  • Rhinox Hide (Base).
  • Doombull Brown (Layer).
  • Skrag Brown (Layer).
  • Zandri Dust (Base).
  • Abaddon Black (Base).
  • Leadbelcher (Base).
  • Blood For The Blood Gods (Technical).
  • Khorne Red (Base).
  • Nurgle's Rot (Technical).
  • Typhus Corrosion (Technical).
These guys are now about done.... I dry brushed some Nurgle's Rot to the weapons & clothing and Typhus Corrosion ... I added this to take the shininess off from the weapons and clothes and bring them more in keeping of my idea of what a Poxwalkers would look like lol... But for now Here is a few more pictures of the nine models... 

Stay safe and have fun :D 

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